Sunday, November 30, 2008


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm excited and nervous and I can't sit still so I think I'm gonna go run for a bit. Today I shoot the first of (hopefully) many stealth operations. Unfortunately I can't talk too much about it because it would give it away....but I have to tell someone how EXCITED I am!!!!! I was watching "Love, Actually" last night (I adore that movie) and I can't get enough of the first line "Love...Actually....Is....Everywhere." The movie shows different loves in such a real way and it made me even more excited to be able to witness real live love today.....and take it captive. (side note: I don't think this coffee is helping my already excited jitters....I'm definitely going running now) Anyways....stay tuned for the results of today...not sure whether I'll be blogging them, but we'll see...I just might ;) 

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