You should know that, at one time, our backyard was filled with plants of all shapes and sizes. A gigantic palm tree that dropped flowers all over the pool, a huge mint plant that took over half the side yard, Yucca trees (?), Birds of paradise, Poinsettia, Hibiscus, Cherry Trees, Lemon Trees, Orange Trees, Apricot Trees, the whole back perimeter of our property was infested with Blackberry bushes, and we had just about one of each kind of Rose plant possible. But over the years, my dad's pulled them out one by one and hasn't replaced them with anything... so we have dirt and a pool now.
So imagine my surprise when I come home one afternoon to a kitchen and backyard full of seed packets, plants, and potting soil... yeah.. pretty surprised. Apparently, my parents spent part of their spring break down in Carlsbad at the Flower Fields... and they were inspired (after all these years) to plant stuff...
My mom's new babies are her wee little green bean plants she carefully soaked in water for three days, and planted in her little pot of rich potting soil.... I swear she's almost spent the night out there with them to make sure no bugs eat their little leaves. I decided to document their first steps the past week... here's some shots of my new siblings...
After a week of growing the beans in her little pot, she moved them all carefully to a bigger planter.... those little buggers are growing so fast they grew out of their crib! Time for a big kid bed...
I'm happy my mom's so happy with her Green Beans... and I'm glad to know that, in the off chance the world goes crazy with Swine Flu and we can't get groceries anymore, we'll have her green beans to eat. :)
Oh... and P.S. I lied when I said we have NO plants in the backyard... my dad recently planted these beauties in a few of our planters outside in honor of Betsy coming to visit.