Monday, September 21, 2009

Help Portrait

Hey guys... I just wanted to share something really quick. Lately I've really been critically thinking about what
I'm bring His kingdom here to earth in the now. What am I really doing to help the situation? What can I be doing better?
What difference can little 'ole me make in this ginormous world?

Lots of thinking, lots of praying, lots of conversations later, I "coincidentally" came upon this campaign called
Help Portrait. The premise of this campaign is for photographers/anyone who's willing to bring His kingdom to our world
using the gifts and talents He's given us...all on one day (December 12) as an act of love for people.

I'm currently in the process of praying and figuring out what I want to do, but I wanted to share this with all of you to
possibly inspire you to take part in this as well. You don't have to be a professional photographer, to participate. As said
in the promo video, we need volunteers, we need donations, we need make up artists, we need hairstylists, we need
locations and venues.... etc. I would encourage you to find a way to help out with this... whether it's gathering your
courage and offering your photographic skills to someone as a surprise... whether it's finding a photographer and donating
funds or needed supplies/talent to their project... or whether it's finding your own way of blessing someone.

This isn't about me. This isn't about Kate Noelle Photography. This isn't about you. It's not about publicity. It's about
blessing someone or some people with what God's given you. There won't be images blogged from this event.... but
there will be stories. Share your stories about how God uses you... how God shows up to what you're doing to bless
someone else.... because He WILL show up.

Let me know what your thoughts are tell everyone you know.... if you have any ideas...
what you might want to do to participate... don't be shy!

1 comment:

  1. So funny that you posted this... I've felt God calling me to something like this for a while now! Sadly, I'm shooting a wedding that day, but I'll keep an eye on it for the future!! And I have a ton of friends who could contribute as well. Thanks again for posting!!!

    P.S. This is the Megan who referred Betsy to you, in case you didn't put the two together...


"Welcome and thanks for stopping by my blog! I've discovered recently that, in addition to photography, writing is a passion of mine and I've loved including you all in my personal journey this past year. So please feel free to read about my adventures, comment often, and enjoy my photos!"     - Kate Noelle | International Wedding & Portrait Photographer |