Thursday, October 1, 2009

Exciting News!!!!

If you've been around this blog recently, you will recall that I mentioned something really cool was in the mix for Kate Noelle Photography... something amazingly new, fresh, and fun? Well, I really can't wait any longer because it's SO COOL! Wait for it....

Kate Noelle Photography has a new BLOG!

Hooray! I'm so excited because it's awesome and it was a really cool and growing experience working with a designer for the first time! That's right... designer! :) Many thanks and grovels go to Drew Tufano of One Massive Point for being such a cool person to work with, for having a heart of gold, and for being an awesome designer! If anyone needs a blog/website/branding/logo/hugs/encouragement on Drew and tell him you love him!

So, if anyone's wondering what will happen to this wonderful blogger blog... it will still be here.... to look back and read where I've come from. Just as the entries in my older Xanga blog are fun to look at and remember the adventures... so will this one. :)

So if you're a fan of this blog, and want more of Kate and Kate Noelle Photography... come join us at...

Ready Set Go!

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"Welcome and thanks for stopping by my blog! I've discovered recently that, in addition to photography, writing is a passion of mine and I've loved including you all in my personal journey this past year. So please feel free to read about my adventures, comment often, and enjoy my photos!"     - Kate Noelle | International Wedding & Portrait Photographer |