Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day has always been more of a family day in my parents, Melissa, and I always get each other cards and we make cookies and give gifts...all for the sake of showing each other how much we love each other. I love Valentines Day...I always have...even though a "special someone" hasn't always been a part of my life. But this year, I do have a "special someone" and I was surprised when he brought me four of my favorite things last night (Friday the 13th...not Valentines Day). Originally he wasn't supposed to be around this weekend because he's Junior Winter Camp staff at Forest Home. But circumstances and weather forced him to head back home last night...and he was stoked he could actually do "special someone" things for me after all (poor guy was feeling like a horrible person for not being around on the day o' love). Needless to say, I felt loved and I enjoyed our impromptu "day before Valentines Day" celebration.  Here's a little sample of his surprise....the four things I love...

1. POM Pomegranate Peach White Tea
2. Brilliantly colored Gerber Daisies
3. Pinkberry with Strawberries, Pineapple, and Granola
4. And Him! :)

So Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope you all get to celebrate the love you have in your life, even if it's not the romantic kind!

 "Love, Actually is....All Around" - Love, Actually


  1. atta boy chris. you two are so cute.

    too bad they don't celebrate v-day in brazil...

  2. nice one. good job Chris ;) I LOVE gerber daisies

    hmmm the colors make me happy too


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